The New domain for Business
Join the .CEO Network in 3 easy steps
Step 1
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Find the perfect Domain from $99/yr
Step 2
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Claim your Identity
Step 3
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Join the Network
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You are not alone

People are looking for you online
What do they see?
Activate your .CEO Identity Page
Your .CEO domain includes an exclusive Identity Page. It is the single page, where your associates and peers will find everything you want them to know.

If you don’t have time to set up your page, VIP Support can personally create your page for you.
[fa icon="plus-square"]More about Identity Pages

Use your new Identity Page to present;

  1. A curated bio, telling the world exactly what you want them to know about you
  2. Your social profiles and feeds from across the web
  3. Links to your personal or business website and blog
  4. Endorsements from your peers
  5. Links to your photos and videos
  6. A full screen video, set to play automatically or by clicking play
  7. A closed channel for your peers to contact you

Connect with CEO Communities

No longer will your profile remain hidden in a network with a billion members.

Feature your CEO Identity in your chosen interest and location based Communities, and be found by those looking to create meaningful relationships.

See more Communities
.CEO Communities
Join the conversation

Join the Conversation in the .CEO Network

.CEO membership grants you access to the .CEO Network.

Make connections and keep up to date with a rich community of equals, where everybody is exactly who they say.

The top level Stream is home to conversation from all registrants across multiple platforms. Members are able to create their own more focused groups based on their industries, interests or locations.

[fa icon="plus-square"]More about Streams

Streams help you turn your audience into your own Social Network.

Use your Stream to;

  1. Build a Community around a shared interest or cause
  2. Share ideas with a vetted audience of Influencers
  3. Curate content from various social media platforms to create a high quality environment
  4. Engage with your audience on a more personal level
  5. Integrate and track engagement with your CRM

Enjoy the benefits of .CEO Membership

Register your .CEO domain to bring your special day online.

[fa icon="globe"] Your own .CEO Web Address
[fa icon="user"] Activate your included ID Page or link your domain to an existing website
[fa icon="users"] Feature your page in the .CEO Community 
[fa icon="comments"] Access to a global network of .CEO Members
[fa icon="trophy"] Eligibility to rank in the .CEO Influencer Leaderboard
[fa icon="envelope"] Use Kmail to exchange private messages with other .CEO Members
.CEO Leaderboard

A Community of powerful Members

Visit the .CEO Leaderboard to Identify and activate the leading social Influencers in your space with the power of Kred.

Find CEO Influencers talking about the topics that matter to you and engage with them using Kmail.

[fa icon="plus-square"]More about Leaderboards

Leaderboards gamify and provide actionable insights into a Community of Influencers.

  1. Visit the top level Leaderboard to find the most active Influencers in your Community
  2. Create your own Leaderboards surrounding your own interest or cause to identify exactly which Influencers you should engage

Do even more with your domain

The Domains.Best App Store links your new domain to innovative Social Apps.

Connect your web address to the tools you need.

[fa icon="lightbulb-o"] Tip: Link more apps to your new domain by creating subdomains in the App Store

For example, you may host a Onepager landing page on MyDomain.TLD but use Blog.MyDomain.TLD for your Wordpress Blog!

[fa icon="globe"] Your own Web Address & ID Page
[fa icon="users"] Access to Communities 
[fa icon="shield"] Increase your Social Influence with Kred
[fa icon="briefcase"] Access to a global network of Members
Most Popular
[fa icon="globe"] Your own Web Address & ID Page
[fa icon="comment"] Connect to other Members with Kmail
[fa icon="comments"] Access to the top level Network
[fa icon="users"] Access to Communities 
[fa icon="shield"] Increase your Social Influence with Kred
[fa icon="briefcase"] Access to a global network of Members
[fa icon="share"] Promote selected content with our Members and readership
[fa icon="envelope-o"] Priority Email Support 
Request Premium Membership
[fa icon="check"] All Premium Membership features
[fa icon="envelope"] Feature story to Members
Request Premium Membership
[fa icon="plus-square"]What is a TLD?
TLD is short for Top Level Domain and refers to the last part of a web address, that is, the letters that come after the dot. .Com and .Net are common TLDs, however it is now possible to customize your domain further by adding meaning after the dot e.g. MyStore.Fashion or TheRoyal.Bar
[fa icon="plus-square"]I tried to purchase my domain but it says it is already taken. What do I do now?
If you have tried to purchase your name and it says it is unavailable then you cannot purchase that domain at this time. If this is the case, try getting creative with your name! Add in the first letter of your middle name or try a favourite nickname. There are endless possibilities.
[fa icon="plus-square"]What is the Domain App Store?
The App Store is the place to find all the new assets that you have access to after purchasing your new Domain i.e. Streams, Leaderboards, Communities, Kmail etc.
[fa icon="plus-square"]What is an Identity Page?
Your Identity page is the very core of your online presence. It can feature your Kred Score, a curated bio and links to your connected social profiles and websites. Find out more on the Identity App Page
[fa icon="plus-square"]What is a Community Page?
Depending on your chosen domain, your Community may represent a group of people (eg NewYork.CEO), a directory of businesses (eg Bars.NYC) or even a support network (eg Earthquake.Support). Find out more about Community Pages on the Community App Page
[fa icon="plus-square"]How can I have my Identity Page featured on a Community Page?
Visit the Community Page you would like to be featured on and request to join. Your request will be validated by the Community Administrator and, if successful, your page will be added!
[fa icon="plus-square"]What is a Stream?
The Stream App enables you to create an environment where you can interact with others. You are able to bring in content from current social media sources such as Twitter to help progress and shape the conversation. Whether you are having a conversation between friends, or between a large customer base, you control who can interact with in your Stream. Find out more about Streams on the Stream App Page
[fa icon="plus-square"]What is a Leaderboard?
A Leaderboard ranks the Social Influencers that are members of a Community. Leaderboards use Kred Scores to measure a member’s social Influence and Outreach and ranks them accordingly. By purchasing your domain you gain access to your TLD's Leaderboard and become eligible to be featured on it, along with other Top Social Influencers. You can also create your own Leaderboard using specific Twitter @names or a chosen hashtag. Find out more about Leaderboards on the Leaderboard App Page
[fa icon="plus-square"]What is Kmail?
Your new domain grants you the power of Kmail - a private messaging platform that connects you with Influencers across multiple networks. Find the Communities, Streams and Leaderboards that matter to you. Identify the Influencers you want to connect with. Start the conversation with Kmail. Find out more about Kmail on the Kmail App Page

Claim the Name you deserve

Std pricing $99/yr